Sheffield Young People

Stop smoking Products

Stop smoking treatments

Sheffield Smokefree provides NHS advice and support for smokers and tobacco users aged 11 and above who are ready to quit or thinking about making a change.

Children and young people referred into Sheffield Smokefree will have access to 8 weeks of free support and free nicotine replacement to help them quit smoking.

For those age 12 and above a range of nicotine replacement products are available including patches, lozenges, gum and spray.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

The main reason that people smoke is because they are addicted to nicotine.

NRT is a medication that provides you with a low level of nicotine, without the tar, carbon monoxide and other poisonous chemicals present in tobacco smoke.

It can help reduce unpleasant withdrawal effects, such as bad moods and cravings, which may occur when you stop smoking.